Your Layout is at scale… Now YOU can be at scale too!
Choo Choo Vision cameras are changing how Model Railroaders operate their layouts.
Model Railroaders no longer need to “hover over the layout” . Choo Choo Vision cameras allow you to become part of your layout — Climb into the Cab or stand Trackside at-scale.
Climb in the Cab with live real-time video.
Share video and photos of your layout with family and fellow Model Railroaders
Viewable on any PC or Smart TV or mobile device.
Run Local and Remote Operations sessions — live stream video to local or remote users — anywhere in the world.
N-Scale and Larger: We now provide CAB CAMs and Installation Kits for N-Scale.
Powered Engines and Unpowered Engines with cameras installed are also now available.
Our cameras immerse you into your model railroad layout for a truly realistic Model Railroading experience.
Cab-Cams make you feel like a real engineer sitting in the cab.
Trackside Cams - Railfan your own layout, or perform switching maneuvers. Easily uncouple cars with a Kadee magnet and a Choo Choo Vision Trackside Cam
Check out the Choo Choo Vision PAN-CAM
—- Installed INSIDE an O-scale engine !